Never again. Throughout history, every country and every people has repeated this simple maxim. Yet genocide continues to happen with a surprising regularity. According to the organization Genocide Watch, the crime is currently occurring in over three dozen countries. While genocide spans human history, I am most interested in modern genocide. The term itself is of recent origin – coined by legal scholar and tireless crusader Raphael Lemkin in 1943.
According to the organization Genocide Watch, the crime is currently occurring in over three dozen countries.
The Genocide Project is a multi-part artistic exploration of modern violence begun in 2005. Several pieces have been completed including an installation (Neighbors), two photographic series (Loss and Weapons), a poster edition (Never Again) and a dual-channel video (Neighbors). Pieces under development include examinations of confession under duress, specific examinations of genocidal regimes including Cambodia and Darfur, and several new photographic exhibitions.